Cultural Grants for Kelowna Non-Profit Organizations | City of Kelowna


The City of Kelowna is offering five categories of arts and culture grants to non-profit organizations on an annual basis. The purpose of these grants is to enrich the art, culture and heritage experience for Kelowna residents.

An organization must be incorporated as a non-profit society and operate primarily in Kelowna to be eligible for a grant. Organizations may apply for grants under more than one category in the same calendar year.

General operating grants are available to arts, culture and heritage organizations that carry out most of their work in Kelowna. These grants support the operations of the organization, but are not to be used for start-up, events or capital projects. This grant acknowledges the work these organizations do and how they positively contribute to Kelowna's quality of life, identity and economy. Grants are extended to recipients who demonstrate vision, accountability and a spirit of community service in their operations.

The 2022 General Operating program opened on October 1, 2021. 

Please apply through the online application system.

The application deadline is November 30, 2021 at 3pm PST.

For more information, view the program guidelines.

Project grants are available to community organizations that provide a festival, event or project that feature arts, culture and/or heritage for the benefit of Kelowna residents. Eligible organizations are not required to be from the arts, culture or heritage sector.

All festivals, events and projects must be accessible to the public, offer a unique experience and prominently feature arts, culture or heritage content. Funding is provided for up to a maximum of three years on a matching 50/50 basis.

The 2022 Project program opened on October 1, 2021. Please apply through the online application system.

The application deadline is November 30, 2021 at 3pm PST.

For more information, view the program guidelines.

Organization development grants aim to assist non-profit organizations in undertaking activities or initiatives that will develop the organization’s capacity and sustainability. Funding can be used to cover 100% of the consulting or tuition/registration costs, to a maximum of $5,000. Two or more organizations may partner on an organization development project and undertake joint planning or training.

Deadline: Open in-take for 2021

More information, including contact information, program guidelines and the screening tool is available on the main grants page.

Please apply through the online application system.

Community art is a collaborative, collective creative process between a professional artist and the community. It encourages the creation of publicly accessible artworks, fosters community pride and identity, and reflects the diversity of the community. One or more projects will be considered each year based on the applications received and reviewed by the Public Art Committee. Funding is provided on a matching 50/50 basis. We welcome proposals for projects using either traditional or new art practices. 

It’s advised that applicants should connect with Cultural Services Staff at prior to completing an application to determine eligibility. 

Professional operating grants are here to provide consistent and reliable annual support to professional, established non-profit arts and cultural organizations which provide impactful, quality programs and services, demonstrate sustainable operations and contribute to the realization of the cultural vision, principals and goals as outlined in the Cultural Plan. Funding assists these organizations with operational sustainability and enables them to develop and deliver their wonderful programs and services to the community.

For more information about the program, view the program guidelines.