Safe Screen BC - Helping Businesses Access Rapid Antigen Tests and Onsite Screening for Employees


Organized in partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), Safe Screen BC will guide businesses through the required application process for provincially available test-kits and support businesses in the set-up of onsite rapid workplace screening programs for employees.

How Safe Screen BC Helps Businesses

  • Supports businesses with the required application process for free rapid antigen tests through B.C.’s Rapid COVID-19 Point of Care Screening Program

  • Supports the development of onsite workplace screening programs for employees

  • Enables access and usage of rapid antigen tests for B.C. businesses

Benefits of Rapid Antigen Tests

  • Rapid antigen screening provides another layer of protection for employers and employees to help keep workplaces safe, reduce the chances of outbreaks and control the spread of COVID-19.

  • Rapid antigen tests can quickly screen asymptomatic employees for COVID-19 in close contact settings.

These tests are accessible, fast, affordable, and available.

  • Tests are mobile and can be deployed close to employees who need testing.

  • Quick results to enable a public health response (typical turn around is 15-20 minutes).

  • Provincially available tests are free for program participants