Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Awards….Why Bother?

Midnight Musings from our CEO

It has been a tremendous year for our region and Association, not only being nominated for but shortlisted and even winning several prestigious awards around the world, against some very strong and, quite frankly, much larger in terms of budgets competition.

Our region “Thompson Okanagan” is being recognized as a leader in strategic vision in Sustainable / Responsible Tourism operation and development and this recognition is coming from organizations who are themselves Leaders in Tourism.

It began last February, not long after the Biosphere Certification where the region received the World Travel and Tourism Council’s “Tourism for Tomorrow Destination Award”. This was quickly followed by the 2018 World Tourism Award as North America’s Responsible Tourism Destination and finally this past Saturday we were proud to be named as the World Tourism Award’s Responsible Tourism Destination World Wide for 2018.  Further, we have been Silver medalists or top finalists in a variety of award programs including SKAL, International Travel and Tourism Awards Planning Institute of BC, Land Awards finalist, and the list goes on.

Along the way I have been asked what all this means for the region, does it really matter, why bother, how can tourism stakeholders benefit and my answer is always the same:

“This is putting the Thompson Okanagan in the minds of industry partners and travellers worldwide and shows we are collectively heading in the right direction. These awards belong to our region, Province, and Country, and in turn to each one of you as tourism stakeholders. We are showing the next generation of guests that we are different, that we stand for something, and that we understand the value of the area we so proudly represent and do business in. These are difference makers for you and every resident who calls the Thompson Okanagan home.

Responsible / Sustainable tourism is what consumers both young and old are asking for at an increasing rate. Today’s research indicates that ¾ of all travellers say sustainability important in their travel decisions and in a 2015 report, 66 % of the US market indicated they would pay more for certified sustainable products ( a number that was from 55% the year prior).

Our guests are changing, but we are poised to meet that change and to let them know that these are issues we have been actively looking at for many years and more recently focused on everything we do and say. In the coming weeks, we will be launching a new and exciting initiative with organizations like the Responsible Tourism Institute and, which again we see as helping our stakeholders lead the way and communicate their commitment to long-term responsible thinking.

Awards…well you can say “well why bother” or you can get involved and get behind this movement to elevate the Thompson Okanagan on the world stage and invite them to visit.


Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | Believing it is Possible - We are all Winners!

Midnight Musings from our CEO


On behalf of all the Board and Staff at the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, we are so very proud to let you know that  at the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) in Argentina late last week, the Association was named the 2018 Tourism for Tomorrow Award Winner in the category of Destinations for our Region’s work on Destination Management practices and Sustainable Tourism initiatives.

Not taking heed of those that said it was not possible, our Association embarked on a journey in 2010 to develop what would ultimately become the region’s 10 Year Tourism Industry Strategy. Together with all of our industry stakeholders and communities, the dream of a collaborative, cohesive and aligned strategic direction for the Thompson Okanagan became a reality under the banner "Embracing Our Potential”.

Since its adoption in late 2012, this industry-led strategy has provided the roadmap for all of the activities of our association and supporting partners.  With a focus on tourism initiatives which supported - Building Authenticity, Expanding Personal Horizons, Identifying the Iconic, Enriching Local Flavours and Revealing the Story, and all underpinned with a commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism development.

This commitment was further elevated in late 2017 with the successful achievement as the first destination in the America’s to achieve the Biosphere Sustainable Tourism Destination designation (one of only 21 world-wide) through the Responsible Tourism Institute. This designation commits the Thompson Okanagan to achieving the 17 Sustainable Tourism Development Goals as outlined by the United Nations and supported through the Paris Climate Accord. These initiatives collectively assisted in moving the region forward in a distinct direction and with a strong mandate of Sustainability under the pillars of Economic, Social and Environmental Priorities.

When the WTTC acknowledged the Association was selected as one of three finalists for the awards was already a huge achievement.    Originally, there were over 175 contenders from 63 countries for this prestigious award and TOTA was advised in early January that we had been shortlisted together with the Riverwind Foundation in Jackson Hole Yellowstone, Wyoming and Corporacion Parque Arvi, Columbia for consideration. Ultimately, we were the proud award recipient!

Throughout the process, there were many who believed that what this region was trying to achieve was impossible. That others worldwide were more capable, more advanced, more progressive, more knowledgeable, and in fact, more worthy.  We refused to believe those comments then, as we refuse to believe them now!  A huge thank you to all the community and industry leaders in this region that truly led the way for this recognition - but more importantly to all the tourism operators in this region that rise to the challenge each and every day to deliver a quality experience in a sustainable way. We truly are all winners and share this recognition together.

Believing it is possible, we are half way there......and we are collectively determined to go the full distance to make this region the best tourism destination in the world in every way possible.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Manic Monday | We are Already Winners......We Call this Place our Home!

Midnight Musings from our CEO

This year has started out with some very exciting news for our region.

On the heels of our November announcement that the Thompson Okanagan has been certified as a Biosphere Sustainable Tourism Destination, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) announced on January 16th that the Thompson Okanagan is one of three finalists for their Tourism for Tomorrow Awards in the category of Destination.

Other finalists in this award category include the Riverwind Foundation in Jackson Hole and Corporacion Parque Arvi located Medellin, Columbia, who we are honoured to share this opportunity with.

The 14th annual WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow awards recognizes a total of 15 tourism stakeholders in 5 award categories showcasing best practices and high standards acknowledging tourism providers that recognize the importance of balancing, people, profits and environmental concerns with industry.

As quoted in the WTTC Press release:

“Sustainable growth is one of the sector’s most pressing challenges and a strategic priority for WTTC. The Tourism for Tomorrow Awards showcase the very best examples of how our sector is addressing this challenge and contributing in a positive way to the sustainable development goals and a better world for all. I congratulate all the finalists who are playing such a significant role in ensuring the future sustainability of Travel & Tourism, and encourage the whole sector to learn from their best practice”. Gloria Guevara, President & CEO of WTTC.

Early travel estimates for 2017 indicate that once again the industry worldwide saw growth in travel of over 4%,  numbers that are anticipated to continue well into the 2020's and beyond. Now more than ever we need to ensure our tourism assets are protected and managed for the future such that they can continue to be enjoyed by our visitors and our residents.

The WTTC will be sending an expert judge into our region in February for review and adjudication and the winners will be announced in April.

On behalf of the all of us at TOTA, we thank each and every stakeholder for your ongoing commitment to Tourism Sustainability and Responsible Tourism Practices!

It would be outstanding for our region to win this award, however, we know we are all very big winners just calling this region our home.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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