Skills Development Survey

Not Another Survey...

I can hear the words as I sit to write this week's Manic Monday: "Glenn, we don't want to do another survey!" Well, like my mother often said to me when she would give me a bad-tasting dose of medicine, "Trust me, this will make you feel better."

Repeatedly we hear that a critical area of concern is in building the employee base in this region. Our team at TOTA is working to solve this issue, including the development of a specialized Tourism Professional Skills Training Program.


You may not feel better right away but this survey will definitely help us to support you in the near future. We believe this initiative will help to build a much needed base of trained employees.

Participants will receive training to develop specialized in-demand tourism skills, followed by a work placement to gain on the job experience to enhance the participant’s employability skills. The training will be delivered in a group environment, supported by a range of activities which may include counselling, vocational and/or learning assessments, work experience, job search skills, mentorship, referral to community resources, and post-project follow up.

Hiring graduates with these specialized skillsets will enable hospitality and tourism employers to focus on delivering high quality guest experiences and growing a sustainable and resilient business.

This unique program will focus on the areas of need that you as Tourism Stakeholders provide to us in the Skills Development Survey. Please take the time to complete this brief survey to help us better understand the employment needs of the industry.

If you are interested in hiring program participants for the 2021 peak season, you have the option to include your contact details and an Expression of Interest at the end of the survey.

It is another survey but one that can directly support the growth of the industry and your business in the future.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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