Manic Monday | TOTA's AGM Integrated into the International Indigenous Tourism Conference
The IITC taking place in Kelowna November 12th - 15th is a tremendous opportunity for tourism stakeholders in the Thompson Okanagan Region and beyond to hear the latest trends in our industry and connect with Indigenous Communities and Individuals to explore the conversations around collaboration.
Often we hear that industry is uncertain of how to approach potential Indigenous partners, afraid to make a misstep or mistake, wanting to be respectful in their discussions and unclear on how to begin. We know this hesitation and uncertainty leads to lost opportunities for all parties. This conference is an excellent chance to start the conversation, network with various business owners, community leaders, artists, storytellers, Chiefs, and Councils to begin to understand how best to make those invaluable connections.
This year's conference brings together the three Indigenous Nations in the Thompson Okanagan as well as national and international participants interested in building relations and creating opportunities, education, and understanding through tourism. It may be some time before it is ever hosted this close to our region again so we encourage you to take the time to take part.
The attendees for the event is expected to be close to 800 and if you are interested in taking part please register for the full conference here.
Please also note that on November 12th as part of the pre-conference activities TOTA will be hosting its Annual General Meeting from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. There is no charge to attend the TOTA AGM but advanced registration is requested. Those stakeholders interested in attending the AGM can register here.
Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO