Manic Monday | Destination Development starts with every stakeholder

“The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts” - a phrase often attributed to Aristotle and certainly one that has stood the test of hundreds of years. Its philosophy as accurate today as it was when first quoted.

The online definition is quite succinct and referenced below:

It means that there is such a connection among individual items that it is better than what each one would be on its own. This is known as synergy - the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements contributions.

The implication of this statement is never more true than in the delivery of the Tourism Experience. The connection between individual items within your own organization collectively creates the full impression on the visitor and each touchpoint can serve to either continue to amplify the positive or conversely the negative opinion of their overall experience.

Similarly, this continues to be true as a visitor moves through a community or a region. Regardless of the size or scope of the tourism product, providing the guest with exceptional and often unexpected service at every level helps to build a stronger tourism industry and add an extra level of marketing for the destination that would not otherwise occur.

It is, however, every stakeholder’s responsibility to take a role in ensuring quality delivery and creating an environment of exceptional service and truly memorable visitor experiences.

Over the past several years Destination BC (DBC), with the local support of TOTA, has been providing stakeholders with the Remarkable Experiences workshops. This program, which is offered over two full day sessions followed by an hour and a half of one on one coaching, is an excellent first step in taking an active role in the development of this destination.

The next session will be starting this December with the first two day workshop on December 5 and 6 followed by the second two days at the end of January.  

I not only encourage you to register yourself, or a member of your team, in this program, but I challenge our entire region to see how many “Remarkable Experiences Graduates” we can have in the course of the next few year.  As of now, after just 3 intakes we are very pleased that over 60 stakeholders have gone through the program and the feedback has been exceptional.

We are greater than the sum of our parts, and we believe strongly that programs like DBC’s Remarkable Experiences will help make a difference for your employees, your business, your community and, most importantly, your guests.

Watch videos of previous Remarkable Experiences workshops.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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