Manic Monday | Building a Responsible Sustainable Tourism Industry

Every day the momentum for building a Responsible Sustainable Tourism Industry continues to expand and we are very pleased to announce that our partners at GreenStep Solutions have launched Sustainable Tourism 2030.

This initiative,10 years in the making, will continue to assist the tourism industry with guidance and support in understanding how they are measuring up in their sustainability efforts and will assist them in identifying where and how to make necessary changes and improvements. Foundational to the program is a free online scorecard that can be found at that can assist businesses in their initial benchmarking.

TOTA will be working closely with Green Step Solutions to see this measurement tool move forward and become widely adopted by our own stakeholders while we continue to advance our industry's commitment to sustainability through our Biosphere Adhension committed companies program.

For more information or to join us on our Sustainable Journey contact Mike Overend at

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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