Manic Monday | It is easier than ever to be GREEN!

Our partners at Green Step have been working hard on a Business Recycling Education Program that started back in 2017.

Their hard work has culminated in the creation of tool-kits to help three distinct groups; businesses, multi-family buildings, and festivals/events. These resources will assist in better recycling practices and increase waste diversion. The toolkits are available on the Regional District’s website at the following link:

Toolkits contain helpful and useful guidance, best practice examples, and free resources for anyone to download and use. Each toolkit contains a how-to guide, signage and colour scheme best practices, signage examples, and many other resources.

We encourage you to please share the link and attached news release with your network, and let us and Green Step know when and how you can get it out so they can report back to the RDOS.

For more information on the Business Education Program, contact Cameron Baughen at the RDOS (, 250-490-4203)

Again, congratulations to Green Step in moving this forward and making it easier than ever to be Green.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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