Manic Monday | The Industry’s Unsung Heroes

There are many unsung heroes in any organization, but by far, volunteer board members are certainly a group of people who do not get the recognition they deserve.

TOTA Board Meeting 2020.jpg

Over my 11 years as the President and CEO of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association it has been remarkable to have had the quality of individuals serving on our board at TOTA, all of whom have been both passionate and dedicated to the betterment of tourism, the region’s industry stakeholders, and of our Association. Never has this been more apparent and true than those who are sitting as board members this year.  Last week, the collective group met for an annual two-day retreat; reviewing the activities of the prior year; collaborating on strategy to move forward; reaffirming vision, mission, and values; and ensuring that all members understand TOTA's direction and focus.

These meetings cover a tremendous amount of detailed information, necessitating full board engagement, input, and direction. It requires board members to take time away from their own businesses and individual priorities; they come together for the good of the industry, region, and Province leaving personal interests at the door.

This year we are faced with significant direct and indirect challenges as an industry and an Association.  For myself personally and our entire team, it was inspiring to witness the level of board engagement on often difficult topics, their level of collaborating, sharing, questioning and ultimately unanimously supporting TOTA as we continue to develop and grow the Association as a tourism management organization.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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