Manic Monday | Rendez-vous Canada "For Glowing Hearts" Our Hearts Are Glowing

Once again the Canadian travel industry has come together to host our Domestic and International Travel Trade Partners at Rendez-vous Canada held last week in Toronto.  This event has been held across Canada for decades bringing trade operators from around the world, both familiar and new, to meet with Canadian tourism products and destinations from Coast to Coast to Coast. This year, over 620 trade buyers were in attendance representing more than 29 countries, and was by all accounts another resounding success!

Ingrid Dilschnieder, our TOTA Trade Director and Marketing team lead, was in attendance with a full slate of appointments over the 3 days even taking appointments outside of the regular times to accommodate the demand and interest in our Region.  Ingrid was also invited by Destination BC to an evening dinner function attended by a large delegation of Chinese buyers and was afforded the opportunity to get to better understand their requirements and how we, as a region, might meet them.  Well done Ingrid!

For myself, I was able to attend several meetings along with our Board Chairman, Frank Antoine, and we had a number of excellent discussions with industry stakeholders and partners including Parks Canada, Destination Canada, and Air Canada.

An exciting highlight of the week included Destination Canada’s launch of the new Canada Brand, "For Glowing Hearts". It doesn't get more Canadian than that and this new brand certainly drives home the message of our values as a people and a nation.

Congratulations once again to all those that work hard that make Rendezvous Canada happen each year;  to our hosts at Tourism Toronto;  organizers Tourism Industry Association of Canada, Destination Canada, and Destination British Columbia, and to all of the many representatives and sellers of tourism that bring their stories of Canada to life at this marketplace and to the buyers who are ready and waiting for new ways to promote and explore our country.

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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