Manic Monday | Start 2018 by Joining us for Business On Tour - Australia

By now you should have seen a few email updates confirming the details of our upcoming Business on Tour taking place February 23 - March 1st in Southern Queensland Country, Australia.

I hope you will consider taking the time to join us as we meet with tourism counterparts to expand our knowledge of industry best practices, meet potential employees and educators, tourism government officials and tourism stakeholders.

For the past several years, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association has had a "sister region" relationship with the area of Australia known as Southern Queensland Country. This particular part of Australia shares a great many of our similarities and attributes. They too are an inland region that draws on two major coastal cities for the majority of their tourism visitation. A burgeoning wine area, with an actively developing First Nations product; Southern Queensland Country is also home to many successful festivals and events and have built an incredible Rail Trail product that they continue to upgrade to world-class standards. Their stakeholder base, like ours, is primarily small business owners who are entrepreneurial, creative and very industrious.

When TOTA originally solidified a relationship with the Tourism Authority in this region, I took part in an information exchange traveling to meet with their board, participating in their annual AGM and meeting with stakeholders. Similarly, their CEO visited the Thompson Okanagan and journeyed to many parts of our region interacting with Tourism Representatives, University Students, Government Officials and of course Stakeholders.

The business exchange has been designed to provide Stakeholders with an opportunity to meet like-minded business operators; exchange information, dialogue around problem-solving and discover new and innovative business ideas. It is a chance to experience how things are done on the other side of the world, compare best practices and share ideas. In our experience, there have been many takeaways and much to be gained through learning from each other. We can promise there will also be some fun along the way and a chance to get to know the spirit of our good friends and neighbors in the land of Auz…

As noted above this year's “Business On Tour” will take place from February 23rd - March 1st, with an option to extend your stay on either side, and we can help provide add-on itineraries.

The base program will include meetings with the Tourism Authority in both Queensland and Southern Queensland County, discussions with post-secondary institutions to develop student exchange relationships, tourism industry operator meetings, participation in tours and activities.

The cost for the 7-day exchange including accommodation, meals, ground transportation and activities is $1,750 per person plus GST, not including airfare. Participants will be responsible for their own airfares, however, through our Air Canada corporate partnership, we will be able to extend greatly reduced rates. Additional nights or alternative activities will be at the cost of the individual participant.

Registration deadline is January 25th and there is limited space available.  Deadlines for the exchange are as follows:

  • To Register interest email Ellen Walker-Matthews at as soon as possible

  • Non-Refundable Deposit - $500 plus GST due on or before January 25th, 2018

  • 2nd Installment - $500 plus GST due on or before February 1st, 2018 (non-refundable)

  • Final Payment - $750 plus GST due on or before February 15th, 2018 (non-refundable)

Airfare bookings will be paid for in full by the participant at the time of booking, however, our team will assist you with special Air Canada pricing that has been provided to TOTA for this exchange.

For additional information, or to book your spot, please contact Ellen Walker-Matthews at

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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