Manic Monday | Criticism is Always Louder than Applause

TOTA was pleased to once again be in attendance as one of this year’s sponsors of the Southern Interior Local Government Association Conference (SILGA) which took place last week in Revelstoke.  This event is attended by municipal and Regional District government mayors, councils and Directors working collectively on issues and challenges that are common to all and identifying ways to work together in building strong regional partnerships.

2018 being an election year some of our current politicians will be moving on, most of them out of politics, and we wish to express our sincere appreciation for all of their hard work and long hours they have devoted to their communities.  For all of those who will continue to let their names stand or add them to this year’s slate of candidates, we applaud you for your desire to take on these demanding and often difficult roles.

Whatever your own politics, we are all very fortunate to live in this country and province where our elected officials are passionate and dedicated to their positions and the health and well being of the areas they represent. It is often thankless work and criticism is always much louder than applause.

SILGA 2019 will be held in Penticton and TOTA will definitely be in attendance to help support and inform on issues that are critical to our Tourism Industry to this very important stakeholder group!

Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO


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