Check In With Yourself Over the Winter...

By now most of us understand and believe in the importance of wearing masks, washing our hands, and physically distancing to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus especially during these winter months. However, not everyone fully realizes or appreciates that it is equally necessary to take steps to stay mentally healthy.

Enjoying a quiet moment at Chute Lake Lodge in the Central Okanagan. Credit: Destination BC / @vancouverfoodie.

Enjoying a quiet moment at Chute Lake Lodge in the Central Okanagan. Credit: Destination BC / @vancouverfoodie.

Living through the pandemic in the spring was substantially different than going through lockdowns and restrictions during the dark days of winter. Staying mentally fit and strong is both challenging and extremely important. While experts indicate that it is not unusual during these times to feel distressed, anxious, confused, or even angry, taking steps to prevent these feelings from worsening is critical.

What we should do to look after our mental health may seem obvious but that does not mean we follow our own best advice. Eating a well-balanced diet, reducing alcohol intake, and getting plenty of rest are habits that promote good health at any time. However, it is also recommended that we take the time to get fresh air and exercise, stay connected with others via phone or video chat, and explore new ways to express ourselves and our feelings through art, writing, meditation, or music.

Eventually, this will be in the past and our overscheduled, highly socialized lives will return. For now, while it may be uncomfortable, we can use this social "time out" to grow and mature, if we take the time to do the mental work.

Tourism Resiliency Webinar Series - Supporting Mental Health (1).png

At TOTA, we are pleased to have partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Kelowna and Thoughtfull Workplace Wellness Strategies to support the mental well-being of tourism business operators and professionals through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Visit the Tourism Resiliency Program Mental Health Support page for information on the following resources:

  • Free personal wellbeing resources for individuals, including virtual counselling services

  • Free Workplace Psychological Health & Safety Training introduction course

  • Workplace advising services & support - participants of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Resiliency Program can receive a reduced and subsidized rate.

As well, TOTA hosted two excellent webinars with CMHA which are available as recordings:

For general and ongoing business support through this time, you can connect with a TOTA advisor in the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Resiliency Program or reach out to us any time through

We hope these resources will help you stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Check-in with yourself and others, and be sure to reach out for help if you need it.

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The Good News(letter) | January 15, 2021


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