Many Tremendous Tourism Announcements

Last week was certainly one for the record books as TOTA and CCCTA both hosted our first-ever virtual Annual General Meetings followed by our first joint virtual Summit. The event was two days of sessions meant to inspire tourism operators to Move Forward Better through Recovery, Resiliency, and Regeneration.

I want to congratulate our teams who all worked tirelessly to put the sessions and the entire event together and to all of our sponsors and partners, including Western Economic Diversification CanadaApps CanadaGreenStep SolutionsTELUSAir Canada, and YLW Kelowna International Airport. A special thank you to Mission Hill Family Estate for hosting the virtual wine tasting.

Of course, without the participation of our stakeholders and other tourism colleagues, the event would not have been the tremendous success that it was and I want to thank the 600+ people who registered.

As a virtual event, many aspects will live beyond the days of the event. Here's how you can connect:

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Keynote & Panel Recordings

All keynote and panel presentations are available to watch and rewatch at any time until December 25, 2020. Simply register, login to access the virtual Conference Centre, and go to the Auditorium (sign in virtual conference centre) or Agenda (top navigation bar).

The TOTA team will share highlights of the sessions over the coming weeks, starting with the opening Keynote, Anna Pollock and Bill Reed: The Power of Regeneration To Transform Tourism.

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Silent Auction

The virtual Silent Auction will continue until 4 PM on December 15. Anyone is welcome to place a bid on the tourism experiences, accommodations, and business services. Simply create an account on Bidding Owl and follow the steps to bid on your item of choice.

Proceeds from the silent auction will support tourism & hospitality students through the TOTA Tourism Excellence Scholarship Program.

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Networking & Trade Show Booths

You can still check out the list of attendees and their LinkedIn profiles to connect with fellow professionals interested in responsible tourism and continue the conversation about Moving Forward Better.

The Trade Show booths will remain in the Exhibition Hall until December 25, with links and downloads at your fingertips. The booth chat will not be monitored but feel free to reach out to the companies by email.


TOTA Board of Directors

At the TOTA AGM, we announced our new board of directors:

Welcome back to our returning board members and welcome to the new directors. We say farewell and thank you to the directors who have completed their term.



Welcome to New B.C. Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport

Last week the Province of B.C. announced Melanie Mark as the new Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport. We welcome the Honourable Melanie Mark to this new portfolio and recognize that the coming months will be extremely busy as we collectively work towards Moving Forward Better and to ensure the tourism industry is able to meet the challenges of today and the months to come.

On a final note, we want to express our appreciation to Minister Lisa Beare for her dedication to our industry over the past several years.


- Glenn Mandziuk, TOTA President & CEO

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Be Kind, Be Calm, and Stay Safe This Season of Giving


TOTA AGM & Summit Sneak Peek