Thompson Okanagan Biosphere Commitment Newsletter

Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Biosphere Training Workshops

Having quality, inclusive training that is adapted to the real needs of the destination is an essential part of tourism sustainability. We are very lucky to have Angela Nagy from GreenStep Solutions (certified GSTC trainer) to provide tips on how to offset your organization’s impact. This is inline with several United Nations’ Sustainability Goals, particularly goal four (Quality Education), goal eleven (Sustainable Cities and Communities), goal seventeen (Partnership for the Goals), and others. This month we are featuring several organizations who are offering or promoting quality education and training to their customers, employees and other stakeholders.



Biosphere Training Workshops 

We are pleased to be hosting another Global Sustainable Tourism Council training workshop this fall in the Central Okanagan. The half-day workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 16th, exact venue TBD.

Having quality, inclusive training that is adapted to the real needs of the destination is an essential part of tourism sustainability. We are very lucky to have Angela Nagy from GreenStep Solutions (certified GSTC trainer) to provide tips on how to offset your organization’s impact. This is in line with several United Nations’ Sustainability Goals, particularly goal four (Quality Education), goal eleven (Sustainable Cities and Communities), goal seventeen (Partnership for the Goals), and others. This month we are featuring several organizations who are offering or promoting quality education and training to their customers, employees and other stakeholders. 



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Kelowna Museum Society

Kelowna Museum Society

The Kelowna Museum Society develops educational activities that engage visitors, stimulating their curiosity around tourism and sustainable development. They work closely with Indigenous communities to ensure their perspectives and priorities are well represented in the museum displays and programs. In addition, their "Ride to the Museum" social media campaign encourages visitors to walk, cycle or use transit to visit them, a relatively modest yet powerful gesture to encourage sustainable transportation.

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Planet Bee Honey Farm, Vernon

Planet Bee Honey Farm, Vernon

Every year Planet Bee Honey Farm presents to thousands of customers about the importance of honeybees to our ecosystems in the educational center. They teach about the plight of the honeybee and give customers advice on what they can do to help. An outdoor learning area is added with informational signage detailing bee-friendly plants, local pollinators, and the plight of the honeybee. All staff are well versed in the necessary information to assist customers in their experience of these areas. They educate their customers by offering ‘bee friendly tips’ in their online monthly newsletter.

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Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm, Kelowna

Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm, Kelowna

Okanagan Lavender & Herb Farm teach their visitors about sustainable farming and how they adapted in the agricultural industry to stay current and economically viable. They developed tours for both children (Pollinator tour) and adults (Sustainable farming practices) to teach them about the importance of preserving and respecting the natural environment. They also teach new staff about sustainable initiatives such as reusable water bottles, coffee cups and on-site composting. They also encourage all of their staff to help in the garden as time allows, which enables them to be outside in the fresh air doing physical activity!

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Global Biosphere Example

La Cuadra de Antón is a responsible and efficient restaurant in Gijón, Spain. They encourage diversity and offset their impact on the environment. They promote the collaboration with CleanCO2 and the Responsible Tourism Institute (Biosphere Adhesion Destination) to showcase their efforts on calculating their carbon footprint and to offset their emissions in social projects. They also raise awareness for caring for our landscapes and farming by informing their customers on how to adapt to societal changes within the framework of sustainable development.

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Welcome Newly Committed Entities

Osoyoos Golf Club
Current Taxi
Giro Vacations Ltd


SDG 4: Quality Education

A great number of community organizations that embody United Nations’ Sustainable Development goals in their daily practices. Below are some successful examples.

1. Show your company history and value, introduce where are the product comes from 

2. Showcase your sustainability commitment

  • For biosphere committed entities, showing your employees and customers that you are Biosphere Certified Entity! You could proudly showcase your biosphere certificate and sustainability commitment on your website and social media

  • Blog post, Facebook post, brochure, website

  • Display your Biosphere Certificate proudly! 

3. Join TOTA’s upcoming GSTC and Eco-efficiency training! 


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Accessibility in Thompson Okanagan

The Thompson Okanagan is committed to becoming a world-renowned accessible destination. The goal is to promote full inclusion and accessibility in all aspects of community and tourism. This includes all experiences, products and services in the Thompson Okanagan region. This work is in line with and inspired by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, especially goal ten (Reduced Inequalities) and eleven (Sustainable Cities & Communities), as well as others. This month, we are highlighting the Biosphere Committed Entities that are leaders in accessibility.



Accessibility in Thompson Okanagan

The Thompson Okanagan is committed to becoming a world-renowned accessible destination. The goal is to promote full inclusion and accessibility in all aspects of community and tourism. This includes all experiences, products and services in the Thompson Okanagan region. This work is in line with and inspired by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, especially goal ten (Reduced Inequalities) and eleven (Sustainable Cities & Communities), as well as others. This month, we are highlighting the Biosphere Committed Entities that are leaders in accessibility.



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Ogopogo Tours,  Tour Operator in Summerland

Ogopogo Tours, Tour Operator in Summerland

OGOPOGO TOURS is a thought and action leader for inclusive and accessible tours in the Okanagan. As North America’s first Biosphere Industry, they aim to ensure universal access at all levels of the tourism value chain. This includes a sightseeing and wine tour van with an electric platform lift, high ceilings to allow guests to stand straight, and centre aisle seating for easy boarding and exit. They strive for inclusivity for all. This is reflected in their hiring and training practices, respect for local cultures, and company culture.

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The Adam River Salmon Society, Nature preserve in Lee Creek

The Adam River Salmon Society, Nature preserve in Lee Creek

The Adams River Salmon Society encourages the conservation of the natural and cultural resources of Tsútswecw Provincial Park (formally Roderick Haig-Brown Park). They work closely with BC Parks, promoting the initiatives that integrate the entire population of the destination. As an example, the society helps showcase Shuswap Trailriders’ newest adaptive hiking tool for people with mobility challenges. They encourage embracing indigenous culture by promoting the first story trail that shares the Secwepemctsin language.

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Tourism Kelowna, Tourist information center in Kelowna

Tourism Kelowna, Tourist information center in Kelowna

One of Tourism Kelowna’s sustainability goals is to promote Kelowna as a top tourist destination for people with different and unique abilities, both physical and cognitive. We work with our stakeholders, restaurants, hotels, stores, attractions, and wineries to make sure they are wheelchair accessible, so all visitors can enjoy and experience a fully inclusive and barrier-free vacation.

Some of Tourism Kelowna’s accessible stakeholders that we work with are the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center, Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Simplex Sportszone, Axe Monkeys, H20 Adventure & Fitness Centre, Quails Gate Winery, Mission Hill Family Estate Winery, and House of Rose Winery. This is by no means an all-inclusive list.

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Global Biosphere Example

The Municipality of Arona, a community in the south island of Tenerife, is a Biosphere Certified Destination that has won various awards for its efforts in making the destination fully inclusive and accessible. Locals and visitors can find various accessible transportation options, such as adapted self-driving cars and wheelchair-accessible taxis. Arona is also renowned for their beautiful and fully inclusive beaches. Playa de las Teresitas has many accessible parking lots, accessible restrooms and showers and access ramps that greet all visitors. Arona has a history of creating accessible spaces dating back to the 1960's and continues to lead global efforts for a fully inclusive experience.

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SDG 10: Reduction of inequalities

There are many community and tourism organizations in the Thompson Okanagan that embody SDG #10 in their everyday practices. Below are some successful examples of accessible practices that businesses can learn and apply in order to influence and create a fully inclusive experience. 

1. Ensure everyone feels welcomed and supported

  • Provide adaptive equipment for people with mobility challenges

  • Ensure wheelchair accessible washroom facilities are available, parking spaces, campsites, access to trails & natural areas, etc.

2. Don't assume, ASK & LISTEN

  • Collect feedback from ALL consumers to understand what is important to them

  • Encourage dialogue and don't be afraid to ask questions

  • A friendly positive attitude goes a long way

3. Educate employees and all stakeholders

4. Contact your regional Accessibility Specialist for support

  • Request an accessibility site visit


Do you have any story related to Accessibility?

We would like to hear about your experience with accessibility in Thompson Okanagan.

  • Do you know any organizations that are paying special attention to increasing their accessibility?

  • Does your organization promote/participate in accessibility-related activities?

Please click on the link below to share your accessibility story with us.


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Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Welcome to Biosphere Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to our first monthly newsletter for the Biosphere Program! This newsletter will feature highlights of committed Biosphere entities, examples of Biosphere leaders from around the world, and helpful hints and tips to inform sustainable business practices. This month, we will highlight businesses featuring work relative to SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production. There are many sustainable activities large and small you could take action on.



Welcome to Biosphere Commitment Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to our first monthly newsletter for the Biosphere Commitment Program! This newsletter will feature highlights of committed Biosphere entities, examples of Biosphere leaders from around the world, and helpful hints and tips to inform sustainable business practices. 

Each newsletter we will feature a new United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) area, and subsequent businesses that are providing leadership in these goals. If your business is engaging in programs that align with featured goal areas, please contact us, as we are looking to feature unique stories from around the region. 

In the Global Example section, we will introduce an international Biosphere Entity, with the intent to share best practices from around the world and foster opportunities for international collaboration.

This month, we will highlight businesses featuring work relative to SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production.  Each month we will post the newsletter at TOTA News Centre. We want to make this newsletter valuable to you so please share your feedback and suggestions to help us improve! 



Leaders in Biosphere

Highlights of businesses committed to the Biosphere Commitment Program

Cedar Heaven Resort, Clearwater

Cedar Heaven Resort, Clearwater

Cedar Heaven Resort is a family operated retreat in Clearwater, committed to the use of local and organic products and committed to recycling activities. They participate in Rocky Mountain Soap’s hotel program utilizing refillable containers rather than disposable. They also do recycling in each unit and sort everything before bringing it to the Eco Centre weekly.

They especially support locally made sourdough bread (Daily Grain Bread) and locally produced honey - both sourced at the local farmers market.

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Note: RSVP is not required. Click the button above to join anytime during the sessions. Stay for as long as you can or need during the one-hour session.


Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre, Kamloops

Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre, Kamloops

Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre is committed to the “Refreshingly Green” program: They provide optional housekeeping, use digital newspapers and magazines to reduce the use of paper, and are highly committed to recycling, composting, and the use of biodegradable cleaning supplies.

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Meadow Vista Honey Wines, Kelowna

Meadow Vista Honey Wines, Kelowna

Meadow Vista Honey Wines encourages the consumption of local, sustainable products. They believe bees are a critical part of our ecosystem, and they strive to increase the awareness of bees and local beekeepers. A unique bee tour is designed to educate visitors about the farm, the bees and the Mead making process. They encourage visitors to purchase local honey-either from your local market, grocery store or direct from the beekeeper.

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Global Biosphere Example

Abadal is a Winery and Vineyard located in Barcelona, Spain that successfully connects wine, tourism, biodiversity and heritage. They are paying special attention to maintaining a living soil by applying active microbiology, minimizing compaction and enhancing root structure. They are making continued efforts in lowering the ecological impact and sustaining a healthy ecosystem. They offer a special agri-tourism experience with a farmer’s breakfast paired with Abadal wines, where they educate the visitor on their roots within the wine culture and their sustainable practices.

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SDG 12: Responsible production and consumption

There are many sustainable activities large and small you could take action on. Below are some tips for you to improve responsible production and consumption

1. Prioritize the consumption of local and sustainable products/services

2. Maximize the recycling of waste

3. Educate employees and customers

  • Create a section on your business website showcasing your sustainable practices

  • Create signage or shareable information to educate customers & employees


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